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嘉瑞国际文化交流中心拥有国内外教育机构和国内外企业的大量资源,以及教育部高校毕业生就业协会的支持,拥有成熟完善的服务体系和国内唯一的赴外实习人员管理系统。自2008 年以来,嘉瑞国际通过美国国务院国际交流项目,成功帮助约2000 名来自全国各地近400 所院校的学生出国交流,并一直保持着无事故、零投诉、98%以上的签证率、90%客户满意度的优秀业绩。迄今为止嘉瑞国际凭借优秀的服务和口碑,拥有超过15 万以上忠诚用户群。


嘉瑞国际文化交流中心是中国最早提供国际文化交流项目的民办非营利性服务机构,一直热心于公益事业和文化交流,依托中国联通集团北京市分公司平台先后组织过“2008 奥运英语在线口语大赛”、“亲子杯机器人大赛”、“优秀赴美实习生评优”等一系列公益活动;自行设计、开发和建立了受广大中小学生家庭和在校大学生欢迎的公益网站“中国家长助手网”、“嘉瑞阳光学生平台”、“出国呀”等免费公众服务平台,受到广大同学的喜爱和支持。



JOYEDU INTERNATIONAL CULTURE EXCHANGE CENTER is a renowned nonprofit organization based in Beijing. JOYEDU is designated as partner of National Applied Talents Cultivation Project by Chinese Ministry of Education. JOYEDU is also the Executive director units of the Association of University Graduates Employment.School-enterprise cooperation committee, of Chinese Ministry of Education.

JOYEDU’s mission is to introduce advanced educational technology and services to Chinese students and families, and to promote international cultural exchange. JOYEDU designed, developed, and owns the popular educational service platform:,,

As a non-profit, international cultural exchange center, JOYEDU is committed to quality international exchange programs, successfully meeting high recruiting standards in China and providing young candidates with excellent opportunities to improve foreign language skills, gain overseas work experience, and gain exposure to other cultures.

JOYEDU have been recruiting and training Chinese University students for internship in the U.S. since 2008, connecting our outstanding candidates to summer work & travel, intern and trainee programs in a wide variety of established companies and organizations throughout the country in many professional fields.
JOYEDU is highly experienced and renowned for screening and training excellent and well-trained interns. We provide the best services to our candidates to ensure that they are dedicated and prepared to perform competently during their internships. We are widely considered the best International Cultural Exchange Center in China.

Since the demand for overseas work experience is growing fast in China, we seek to find more companies such as yours to collaborate with, so that we may offer increased placements and enriching work experience for our qualified candidates.

We look forward to your collaboration as we embrace and enrich the bright future of our youth! Thank you for your consideration in collaborating with our organization. We would be delighted to work with you. Please feel free to contact us with any questions and let us know how we can provide you with excellent and hard-working interns for your company. 

通知: 经过8年的发展,本站已更新为“大学生实习实训网”。欢迎大家点击 访问我们的新站点。

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